how to operate medical aerosol high flow suction system safelyhow to operate medical aerosol high flow suction system safely

It is very important to have medical aerosol high flow suction systems in healthcare situations, especially during procedures that create aerosols. These systems are made to get rid of possibly harmful aerosols quickly and effectively, keeping the space safe for both healthcare workers and patients. 

As one of the most important parts of these systems, the suction arm stands out as a flexible tool that can be precisely moved to target aerosol sources directly. However, they must be used correctly in order to be as useful as possible while reducing risks. This article will talk about the main parts of medical aerosol high flow suction systems and give you a full rundown on how to safely use them.

Understanding medical aerosol high flow suction systems 

Medical aerosol high flow suction systems are made up of different parts, and each one does a different job when it comes to getting rid of aerosols that are made during medical treatments. Usually, these methods have the following:

Suction unit

    This is the most important part of the system. It creates negative pressure to pull air and aerosols from the outside. The size and capability of suction units depend on what they are used for and how much aerosol they need to remove.

    Collection canister:  

      Aerosols that are pulled into the suction unit are put in a canister. The jar is made to keep the collected aerosols safe and keep them from spreading germs to other areas.

      Tubes and filters: 

        Pipes run from the suction unit to the collection box and other elements of the system. Filters usually have particles in the tube that keeps the suction unit from getting dirty.

        Control panel: 

          Now, high flow suction systems have a user-friendly control panel to help users change the amount of suction, check the pressure, and do other things. In addition, there may be alarms or warning signs on the control panel to tell workers if a problem occurs.

          Operating medical aerosol high flow suction systems safely 

          For the safe utilization of medical aerosol high flow suction systems, procedures and best practices must be adhered to. To make sure work is safe, follow these steps:

          Familiarize yourself with the equipment: 

            First, go through the suction system parts, their function, and how they work. Then, learn how to use them. Read your product manual and attend any training at your health center.

            Do regular checks: 

              Scrutinize the suction unit, tubes, filters and the collection canister for any damage or wear signs on a regular basis. Please check that there are no leaks in all the channels. Immediately replace any components that are worn out or broken.

              Ensure proper placement: 

                Place the suction unit and collection bin somewhere stable, especially close to where the aerosols are made. Please don’t block the wind or place the system in a location that may be exposed to water or dirt.

                Select appropriate suction levels: 

                  Adjust the suction level depending on the process and the quantity of the aerosols being made. For procedures that produce many aerosols, higher suction levels may be required. In cases where the work is not too demanding, a medium setting may be enough.

                  Monitor pressure and alarm systems: 

                    Check the suction pressure and other control panel signs on a routine basis. Note all alerts or alarms that could mean a problem, such as a low vacuum pressure, a clogged filter, or a full canister.

                    Dispose of contaminated waste properly: 

                      At the end of each shift, dispose of the contents in the collection canister safely by following your facility’s waste management protocols. Safely close the bottle to prevent aerosols from escaping or entering the bottle.

                      Next-generation aerosol suction system requirements

                      There are already a number of different spray suction systems on the market. Still, it’s important to deal with aspiration and filtration properly in the case of Covid-19.

                      • Suction performance and aspirator size: 

                      When it comes to suction performance and aspirator size, small engines with little power should be thrown out. The sucking device must be able to handle the amount of air that needs to be sucked up. 

                      • Suction arm and hood size: 

                      Small lab arms aren’t good for heavy duty work because they would get in the way of the aspirator. Engineers know that pipes need to be at least 100 mm in diameter in order to draw effectively and quietly. The hood should be able to rise 20 to 30 cm above the work area, so it doesn’t have to be too close to the patients.

                      • Pre-abatement of moist particles: 

                      An aerosol is made up of a wet fog. As the first step in the process, wet parts need to be separated from the dry parts so that the wet parts don’t get straight to the absolute filter and ruin it. Don’t trust a device that doesn’t have a drip tray or drains.

                      4-step professional filtration: 

                      “Easy” and “compact” devices are not enough to protect against viruses. Instead, multistage filter systems like those used in surgery air handling units are needed. Coronavirus particles are thought to be between 0.12 and 0.16 µm in size. Because of this, HEPA H14 filters are the only ones that can stop 99.9995% of spray dangerous particles.

                      In conclusion 

                      To keep the healthcare setting safe and clean, medical aerosol high flow suction systems are essential, especially during procedures that create aerosols. Healthcare facilities can improve their ability to remove aerosols even more by adding suction arm to current suction systems. 

                      This protects both healthcare workers and patients. Healthcare workers can use these systems safely and effectively by following established guidelines and best practices. This lowers the risk of aerosol exposure and contamination. 

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